ENTRY: 003
TIME: 12:00 est.
DATE: 1/29/10
MOOD: Liberated
During the past few years, The United States of America has been experiencing some trying times. We have seen and been through wars, government corruption, terror attacks, conspiracies to name a few.
We have made it through the [President] Clinton fiasco, the [President] Bush debate and now we are witnessing our nation possibly fall apart under our new President Barack Obama. (That’s not to lay all the fault on our beloved President)
Yes I voted for Barack…I am guilty…of being an optimist. I too have hope for change…for the better of the common people of the world. It appears that mine as well as the hopes of many Americans have been clouded.

We listened to our President tell us he would take troops out only to do just the opposite when he was elected. There is a constant attack on our elderly and our young through the guise of healthcare and education. And daily, more and more of our civil liberties are being taken away.
I know it may sound harsh but these are some harsh times and people are desperate as we go through this recession. And while our President promises jobs in America we witness disaster in Haiti and turmoil abroad.
But there is something about suffering that brings people closer to the meaning of life. People are starting to awaken and become more informed. They are starting to ask questions and through our world wide web people are seeking and finding information and resources that some folks in our government probably would have liked to have kept a secret (from society).
It’s this sort of thinking that empowers people of all walks and brings people together to overcome the obstacles of oppression and tribulation.
If Intelligence=Information, what is the sum of applied counter-intelligence?

The American people will not be fooled or cajoled into believing that all these elected politicians have our complete well being in their interest.They wont say what this war is about…but I say it has to stop…we want our sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunties, etc to come back home… ALIVE!
“We the people…” fight this fight together
The unity of the people may very well be Amerikkka’s Nightmare

Amerikkka’s Nightmare Part 2 – Children Of War is in stores February 23rd. Listen to “Changes” by Nneka featuring M-1 and General Steele, produced by J. Period.